Dialogue between two people about health and wealth

Zeeshan: Here is a puzzle for you to solve. Would you like to be a sickly rich man or a healthy poor man?
Shoaib: Well, that wants some thinking over. I suppose, you ask which gives us happiness-health or wealth?
Zeeshan: Exactly, Well?
Shaoib: I find, everybody in the world wants to get wealth. You know "Money makes the mare go", though money itself has no legs. I am poor and wish to be rich.
Zeeshan: And will you be happy then? Henry Ford of America was a very rich man as rich as one wishes to be, and yet he was not happy. The Nizam of Hyderabad, said to be the richest prince, is not happy Birla.......
Shoaib: That's right. I am healthy; I am strong, I think if i were to get wealth, i will be very happy indeed?
Zeeshan: Suppose, you were to get wealth and at the same time, health were taken away from you, will you be happy then?
Shoaib: I doubt it, It appears nobody in the world is happy. The rich are unhappy because they have no wealth.
Zeeshan: Quite true. Now suppose that a moderately healthy man were to become moderately rich man, will he be happy?
Shoaib: I again doubt it. He won't be. Without good health, he will not be able to enjoy his riches
Zeeshan: Have you ever heard a healthy beggar singing?
Shoaib: Yes, Why?
Zeeshan: Is he then happy?
Shoaib: Yes, I suppose he is so.
Zeeshan: Have you ever heard a sickly rich man singing?
Shoaib: No, never.
Zeeshan: You see, then, a healthy beggar is sometimes happy, and a sickly rich man never.
Shoaib: I thank God that iam not a sickly rich man. It is true that "Health is better than wealth."

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